Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 23 Mile 840

Another big hike up today. 2000 ft up over a wilderness area called Three Ridges. To start it was not too hot as we had some cool breezes. But my speed was impeded due to the new blister pain on the outside of my left heel. It pinched all day. Got a nice view high up from a place called Hanging Rock. Then, we saw lots of them, rocks that is- lot of rocks fields to hike thru. You are litteraly hiking thru a landslide- and today it seemed to go on from 2-3 miles.  I felt like I was  in the land of the lost. It really exhausts me to go through areas like this, as I have to slowly pick my way through. On hiker called it a "foot puzzle" and that's a good description of trying to determine where exactly to place your feet thru the endless boulder field. Later in the day, when we were very hot and thirsty we crossed a road and right in front of us to tease us or torture us, a   big Heineken Beer truck drove by-no trail magic from him.
Today was also a search for water day -lucky we found some . Did not cover much ground very quickly today. We only went  13 miles by 5:30, and it was somewhat discouraging.
We were told by a south bound hiker that we would find water at a place called Dripping Rocks as we crossed the Blue Ridge Parkway. It would be our last water source for the day and then after that we had no information about camp sites, and the next shelter was many miles away, nothing we could reach before dark. We were at the base of Humpback Mtn. And had a big climb up, but hoped that near the top there might be some flat spaces for camping. So we filled up all our water sources, including our 4 liter tank and hiked up at about 6 PM.  It was hot and it was up. Would we find a spot before dark?
On the way up we ran into two day hikers coming down. They had no packs and no water bottles. It was very disconcerting to see them with no gear. They were very friendly and asked where we cane from. When we said we had hiked from GA, they were wide eyed and stunned . They guy said "I want to shake your hand", normally no one shakes hands on the trail, but I did this time. Turns put they both just graduated from  U. VA. Climbed up and up. Came to area with big rocks where you had to climb straight up over them. Then finally at about 7:30, came to a  rock overhang with a fantastic view of the coming sunset and just beyond, to the left, the perfect camping spot. What good fortune! Put up our tents quickly and made and ate dinner watching the sunset. Actually got a cell signal here and with my little bit of remainng battery time sent a picture and text to my Sweety. Across the valley we could see the Wintergreen Sky Resort and all their condos. Actually skied there once.  But our free view was superior. The sunset was magnificent and the air cool, with few bugs.
This is why you hike the AT- great moments such as this you can't get anywhere else.

Sent from my iPhone

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