Tuesday, July 6, 2010

June 28 Mile 906

Hoped to do a 16 mile day, to reach my fraternity brother's cabin in two 16 mile days, but no place to tent camp on the way, so had to do another 20 miler! Whew! When this is all over and I'm out of shape again, it will be hard for me to remember that I was once able to carry a 30 pound pack for 20 miles up and down mtns in the summer heat. The only problem I had was the darn sore right foot sole. It has bugged me for 300 miles now. Have to find a solution. Tried pads under the arches, but the relief was very temporary. The arch supports my Sweety sent don't seem to be doing much good. Should have bought new supports when I had the chance in Waynesboro. First thing on my list when I am back in a town.
But, no knee pains, or toe pains, and very minimal new blister pains. All in all I think things are improving.
When this park was new in the 1930's and 40's, I suspect that since they bought up old farms and logged off areas that the views from the trails were probably pretty spectacular. But over 70 years, it has all grown up, and  hiking you get very few scenic views- every now and then you get a break, but it's rare. I think this park is more for cars sightseers than hikers.
We're always in the green tunnel. But this evening, about 7:15, while hiking we got a special treat. This is an advantage to thru hiking the AT. As it was late for the regular folks, they were on their way home or at dinner, not hiking, we rounded a turn in the trail and actually had a view of the nearby mountains, and the sunlight falling on the mtns at that late time of the day was quite special. When we finally got to our camping area, a fee one with real bathrooms, the sunset was incredible- so very red !
Amazing. Ate in the dark of course and then to bed in our tents. A bit cooler today, with nice breezes.
Accidently swallowed a bug. There are lots of bugs out here, either flying or crawling. Got to be careful when you open your mouth. Made the mistake after dinner to breathe, and darn if a bug didn't fly in! Swallowed and coughed and coughed. But the protein is good.
Btw, our friend Tunes had a
bad day. His ankle was no better this morning, he tried to hike and got about 2 miles, but the pain was too much, so he and Tootsie Pop are going to take a short break. Bummer. We hope he gets to feeling better very soon. They are great folks and we miss them.

Sent from my iPhone

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