Friday, August 6, 2010

July 21 Mile 1208

Today was another similar forest ridge hike, but with lots of rocks in the trail that PA is known for. It's supposed to get a lot tougher as we get closer to NJ, but so far it's really no worse than all he other states we've been through. The biggest problem is my aching feet, particularly my right. I actually wore my right slide for 4 miles today and it felt better than my Vasque hiking shoe.
I find these shoes to be "vasque-ly" inferior- bad pun. Plan to try anything here at a big store near Port Clinton.
We did 18 miles miles today, probably not so good for my feet, but we need to hurry across this state. Not very scenic for the hiker. Really friendly people along the way though.
When we got to the end of the hiking day, which seemed to take forever, we had the steepest descent we have had since we began this hike! About 1000 feet in less than a mile. I pity those going up it. It was actually dangerous coming down. Got to the bottom and we are in Port Clinton. Not really a port I suppose, it's on a river and has a cool old train station that is some kind of tourist thing now. Have a park you hike through with a giant pieces of coal strewn about .
Definitely in coal country here.
Taking a zero at the Port Clinton hotel, a step above the Doyle, but the people aren't as nice. Don't think they like hikers very much here.

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